Inconvenient Woman
I am an Inconvenient Woman.
I am
In control,
Free spirited,
Free thinking,
And servile
To no one.
I am sweet--
But don't cross me.
I am beautiful--
But flatter my mind.
I am kind-hearted--
But don't box me in.
I am open-minded--
But don't talk down to me.
I am capable--
Do not underestimate
My ability
My resolve
To do your job--
A man's job--
As good as,
Or better than,
My man.
When you call,
Do not ask
To speak
To the man
Of the house--
I do not answer to him.
I answer only to myself.
I rely upon no one--
I walk alone.
But I do not mind
A little company
From time to time.
But do not think you can control me.
I am inconvenient
Because I will not
Coddle you,
Or put up with your shit,
Accommodate you
When unnecessary,
Or appease you
When it does not
Suit me.
I have a mind
And a heart
And a spirit
That is all
My own.
If you cannot handle this,
Do not come along
For the journey.
All will end
In bitterness
And resentment.
I am not a wild pony
Just needing to be tamed.
I am a feral cat!--
You can get me
To come around
And be loving,
But I am
Never truly tamed.
I am always wild
At heart.
I am beautiful,
And I am special,
But I am,
At heart,
I will speak my mind--
If you do not wish
To hear my thoughts
And opinions,
Do not ask for them.
I'll assume
That you care.
I will not be silent--
Even if you think
I should.
Is for
The spineless.
I will stand up for myself--
So don't pick a fight.
I might be more
Than you can handle.
I am slow to burn
My long fuse,
But once I fire off--
Prepare for an explosion
Magnitude 10.0.
I am intelligent--
I have thoughts,
And ideas
That have
Serious weight
And merit
Of their own,
So don't
Talk down
To me.
I am inconvenient because
I am
And you cannot--
Will not--
Change me.
I do not care
What you think--
I am not ashamed
To be me,
Even if
I am an
Inconvenient Woman.
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