Thursday, April 10, 2014

Dearly beloved...

Dear Friends and Family,

As the semester draws to a close and I race my way towards graduation, I've decided to let you know what I'm up against for the next couple of weeks so that you don't worry and think I've dropped off the face of the earth or died when you don't hear from me until May.

So, here it is, without further ado, my End of the Semester To Do List (in no particular order):

  • Write two different papers about complimentary alternative medicine therapies for my healthcare ethics class
  • Take an exam covering three chapters in my medical terminology class
  • Read and take notes over three rather long chapters of my anatomy and physiology text book
  • Do two take home quizzes for my art history class
  • Study for three more difficult computer test out exams
  • Take a quiz in my anatomy and physiology class
  • Interview an arts professor about their works and write a paper about it for my art history class
  • Take three more difficult computer exams in order to test out of  the classes
  • Do a homework assignment for my anatomy and physiology class
  • Review for four comprehensive final exams
  • Do two lengthy homework assignments for my art history class
  • Get a haircut
  • Work on appealing a financial aid award denial by my college for next fall's courses
  • Pick up my cap and gown
  • Pick up my honors regalia
  • Attend a special honors graduate ceremony
  • Attend regular commencement
  • Take four comprehensive final exams
  • Do two lab reports for my anatomy and physiology class
  • Return my textbooks
  • Do course and professor evaluations for all of my classes

...And this list is by no means finished!

Wish me luck!

T-minus 3 weeks until graduation!

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