Monday, June 30, 2014

Really, SCOTUS?!?!?!?!

Good God, the latest decision by the US Supreme Court regarding the Hobby Lobby case is frightening! Your employer gets to pick and choose what health care services your health insurance covers if it offends their "religious liberty"!

I'm sorry, but when do YOUR religious liberties get to trample all over MINE?! You don't want to pay for contraceptives, fine! Don't offer your employees health insurance! That is not mandated by law! (Employers do not have to offer health insurance to employees under the Affordable Care Act. But if they don't, they have to provide a subsidy for people to have their own insurance through the insurance exchanges.) But you don't get to cherry pick what parts of the law you follow by crying "Religious Liberty! Religious Liberty!" That is when your batshittiness starts to dangerously encroach on my rights as a more rational human being! 

This is a worse decision than Dredd Scott or Plessy v. Ferguson! God save us all...

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