Sunday, March 16, 2014

Advanced Fiction Writing Assignment 7

Since I turned in Assignment 6 and Assignment 7 at about the same time, I got them back at about the same time. Enjoy!

Assignment 7

Author’s Note:  Assignment 7 was relatively simple:  write a really vivid setting. The lesson corresponding to assignment 7 was all about using vivid imagery to convey certain story elements and even provide movement in the plot.

Grade Received:  A


August in the city. The blistering heat wave continued to have the metropolis in a brutal stranglehold, as it had since it first wrapped its menacing hands unforgivingly around the urban wasteland about a month earlier.

The blinds in the apartment were drawn tightly, but the harsh orange light of the waning afternoon sun still beat down mercilessly through the small, dingy barred windows with the cracked panes. A small metal fan hummed noisily in the background while Marianne sat rapt with attention.

While it was so damned ungodly hot in the tiny apartment, it wasn’t the oppressive heat that had Marianne so still and so breathless. It was her hulking brute of a boyfriend, George.

He snored powerfully, his breath heavy and sickening with copious amounts of whiskey and rum, on the sagging, disgusting couch on the other side of the dirty room. She hated, hated, hated him and was staring at him with an anger hot enough to forge iron. But she didn’t dare move a muscle.

If he’d opened his eyes and seen that she was gone, he’d surely hunt her down like a hound dog on the trail of a fox—ceaselessly, unrelentingly, and to the ends of the earth. And what he’d do to her once he finally got his rough, gargantuan, dirty-nailed hands on her—well, Marianne didn’t dare bring the horrifying thoughts to her consciousness. He’d already done so much so cruelly and so viscously to her when she tried her hardest to be so compliant and ingratiating to him.

But now she didn’t give a damn. He would beat her anyway, his temper as firey as the outside air, so she might as well give back all—and more than—she’d gotten from the inebriate oaf over the years, she thought to herself as a bead of sweat slid down her disfigured face.

Sweat continued to trickle down Marianne’s face and back while George snored loudly. He abruptly stopped snoring briefly to clear his phlegmatic throat but soon fell back seamlessly into his alcoholic torpor. Marianne froze briefly when he did that, but then continued to glare at him in fury and disgust when he resumed his journey in the land of Nod. She silently drew in a deep breath, a final act of rebellion against the sticky summer heat.

Don’t wake up, she thought with bated breath as she delicately reached behind the grimy wicker chair she was sitting in a pulled out a long, gleaming machete.    

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