Saturday, March 29, 2014

A kiss with a fist...

You hit me once,
I hit you back,
You gave a kick,
I gave slap,
You smashed a plate
Upon my head
Then I set fire
To our bed.

--Florence + the Machine, "Kiss with a Fist"

Author's Note:  This incident happened when I was studying before class last Wednesday, and it's been bothering me ever since. I feel like I should've done more. Or something different. To try to work out my feelings about this, I wrote the piece below. I don't know if I would call it a poem because I've never been especially good at writing poetry, but I couldn't say what I wanted to say in the way I wanted to say it with this piece in regular prose. I'd really like feedback from anyone who reads this, so please comment or e-mail or Facebook me (to those who know my name) with your thoughts. Thanks!

Rough Day, Rough Life

Dear Lady,
Yes, You,
The one with the
Curly hair,
Hipster glasses,
Pug nose,
Loud voice,
And broad hips
In too-tight jeans:

I'm sorry.
You had a rough day.

I came to campus
Before class
To study--
For an exam.
You were there, too,
With your man.

I sat at a table
In the tranquil lobby
And began to read.

You sat in a chair nearby.

All was quiet
He started in
On you
About buying
A gallon of milk
At that exact moment.

You protested--
Your voice sonorous--
And whiny.

I need to study--
You said--
I'm failing this class!
I only have two more
Chapters to go!
Then we can go.

This made him angry.
You started to argue.

The guy at the table
Next to mine
Swore and said:
Jesus! Every day!

Everyone was staring
At you.
We couldn't help it--
Your booming voice filled
The peaceful lobby,
And your whine
Only grew
More pronounced
With each and every
Protestation you made.

Then he put his hands on you:
One on your throat,
One under your chin,
Forcing your head back
At an uncomfortable angle.

I could feel you cringe.

I stood up
And stomped towards you,
My high-heeled boots
Pounding the floor
And echoing through
The vacant halls beyond.

He saw me
And my angry look
Coming, coming,
So he let you go.
But I didn't stop.

I walked right up
To you two
And began to
Clear the air.

What do you think you are doing?!
People are trying to study!

You tried to mumble
That you weren't
Bothering anyone,
But I cleaved
Your argument
Into tiny slivers
Before you could finish it.

You are bothering everyone!
People in the computer lab are staring!
People in the business office are staring!
Everyone in this lobby is staring at you!
You are bothering everyone!
You knock it off or go outside!
If you don't, I will call the cops!

Your man,
In his dirty, shabby clothes,
Unkempt hair,
And nasty goatee--
He looks like a fifty-year-old
Pig Pen
From the Sunday comics
And smells just as bad, too--
He glared at me.

I glared back
In fury.
I gave him my "evil eye"
That I seldom use,
But those who have seen it
Say it's the
Look they've ever seen.

I channeled Dirty Harry--
Go ahead,
Make my day,
You sonofabitch.
I can take you.--
With that look.
I was not afraid.

He walked away.

You sat back down
In your chair
And went back
To your textbook.
I went back to my seat, too.

It was quiet again.

A few minutes later,
He rejoined you,
But you were quiet,
So I left you alone.

But you were whispering
Amongst yourselves--
Thick as thieves--
And casting sideways glances
At me.

You were talking about me.

I'm not stupid,
So don't try to deny it.
I've been to high school.

What did you say about me?
That I'm

It doesn't matter
What you said
About me.
I've been called worse--
To my face.
And I am not the one
Who sleeps with
Evil Pig Pen
And fails my classes.

Eventually you both fell silent.
Twenty minutes after
The whispering stopped,
You left with him.

I do not know
What happened
After that,
But I hope you are well.

I bare you
No ill will.

I just know
That there is
No happy ending
To dysfunctional stories
Like your own.

Author's Note:  The above image is almost exactly what the couple in this piece was doing when I confronted them. The lady had the exact same expression on her face that the woman in the picture has. I posted this picture because it is so eerily true to life.


  1. Excellent writing! Thank you for sharing. I gave you more feedback on FB in a private message.

  2. Thanks Charles! :) I really appreciate it! :)
