Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Story part 3

Author's Note:  This is the third part I've completed in my story about the character Tinny. I realize the parts of the larger story don't fit together right now, but I'm mulling over how I am going to do that. All in due time. Until then, here is the third part of the story.

Sweet Nothings

“I have a devil in me:
He makes me spit in your face,
He makes me laugh at the law—
I have a devil in me.”

--The Meat Purveyors, “I Have a Devil in Me”

Craig put some sad song by some band I’d never heard of on the television through his iPad. We listened in silence.

Though not normally one for mournful indie rock, I found the song enjoyable, which surprised me. Most of the time I think those hipster bitches are whiny jackasses when they get on those extended minor chord tangents. Eh, so your girl left you and life’s a big bucket o’ suck—you ain’t dead, so shut yer nasally yap. Everyone goes through trials and tribulations—some moreso than others—and it doesn’t mean that we all have to write pathetic-wrapped-in-milquetoast anthems to celebrate it.

Craig switched off his iPad at the end of the song and dabbed at the corner of his right eye with his fingertip.

“Dude, are you crying?” I asked with barely restrained incredulity.

“Nah,” he said. “I just get a little misty when I hear that song, that’s all.”


“Brings back memories.”

“Of what?”

He looked at me as though it should be obvious.

Since it wasn’t readily apparent, I crossed my legs on the couch, took a swig of beer, and thought deeply about it.

Then it hit me. Like a freight train. I had to proceed with caution to get what I suspected the answer would be out of him. Delicate subject. Shit.

“You still have feelings for your ex-wife, don’t you?”

He looked away and sighed. That gave me all the affirmation I needed.

I was pissed. Beyond pissed. All this—the nice treatment, the paying of positive romantic attentions, the hot sex—it was all a farce. A huge cosmic joke.

“You miserable fuck! How could you do this to me?” I spat in fury.

“You just want me to hold your hand, listen to you cry, give you some head, and pass the time with you in this fuckville town, but I don’t mean anything to you!”

I punched him as hard as I could in the right shoulder.

“Ow! Cut it out!” he stuttered, clearly astounded at just how quickly I could go from placid to abject fury.

“No!” I shouted. “How dare you do this to me—again! How dare you!”

I was continuing to accent my words with fierce blows to his face, upper arm, and chest. He quickly moved out of my reach and to the other side of the room. I stood up but didn’t follow him.

“How could I have been so stupid? I should’ve known—that shitty poster you did with her that’s still on your wall—by the way, your French ‘I love you’ painted on it is amateurishly wrong—that picture of you two on your wedding day on your Facebook page, the fact that you never want to be seen in public with me—why? Is that so tongues won’t waggle and get back to her that I exist? Fuck you! Fuck! You!”

I was now throwing anything I could get my hands on—the throw pillows on the couch, the glass coasters on the coffee table, a hard-bound copy of Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal—directly at his head. I have very good aim, and he was really working at dodging my improvised missiles.

“What is your problem?” he shouted furiously at me.

“People like you!” I screeched as I hurled a game console remote at him. “People like you!

“You are so fucking goddamn arrogant! Shakespeare said that it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all! At least you had someone who loved you once! I’ve had no one! No one! I’ve never had a relationship last more than thirty days! Ever! I’ve never been engaged or even had the opportunity to have a man say he loves me! Instead, men just like you always come along and expect me to give some physical comfort and emotional support to them until they feel strong enough to move on to the next dumb cunt they’ll build their live around and toss me by the wayside! And I’m sick of it! Sick! Of! It!

“You had loving parents! You weren’t rejected at every turn! You don’t give and give and give of yourself and get nothing—nothing—in return! I’m the one who’s always there for everyone, and yet, when I need someone to be there for me, I get crickets! Nothing but crickets!

“I even told you all that before we got to doing whatever in the hell we’ve been doing together! And still—I mean nothing to you!

“How could I have been so stupid to think that you’d be different than every other man in my life?”

I stopped shouting because I was overcome with angst, shame, sorrow, and embarrassment. Tears were pouring down my cheeks and my chest was heaving under great sobs. I was absolutely furious. And heartbroken.

“Look, Tinny, I’m—” he started apologetically.

“Shut up! Shut! Up!” I growled through clenched teeth. I grabbed my hoodie and my purse and made my way towards the front door.

Craig stuck his hand out gently to catch my arm and stop me.

“Don’t you touch me!” I snarled as I glared deeply into his eyes.

I then continued my hasty skulk out the door, slamming it as hard as I could on my way out. I hoped all of his neighbors in his quiet little subdivision heard the loud bang in the still night. I wanted them to know about me. I wanted my existence to get back to Craig’s ex-wife.

I heard something inside the house to fall to the floor and shatter.

Good, I thought with malice. Good.  

Inconvenient Truths

Inconvenient Truths

You know
I know
That you
Didn't want
Me to
Say those
Inconvenient Truths,
But it is
So hard
To watch
Yet another
Good friend
Yet another
Phenomenally Bad
In their life.

I knew
From the
Very moment
You told me
Those circumstances
Who she really was
What she was
Really all about.

I realize she is your wife.

I said
Those frank words
Not because
I have
Any designs
On taking
Her place--

I know
I can
The attention
Of no man
That way,
Especially not
Wonderful You,
Even though
Our carnal
Of each other
Is fresh
And forefront
In our
Like minds.

I said
Those things
Because I have
Been in
Your situation
With many men.

She doesn't want you--
She doesn't want
To be

Please believe me
When I
Tell you
These things.

It breaks
My heart
To say them.

I wish to God
I was wrong,
But I've been
On the
Misery Merry-go-round
At Dysfunction Junction
Many unfortunate times.
I know what tunes
Its calliope plays
And what the
Garish horses'
Feel like
Your flesh
And how heartsick
Ride after ride
Can make you.

I say
These things
Not because
I want to
Replace her--
I say
These things
As a close friend
Whose heart
Will bleed
When she
Crushes you--

I know
I am
In writing this
And posting it
Though you are
One of my few
Face-to-face friends
Who actually
Reads this page,
Because you have
Gone silent
To me
Since I
Those things.

I realize she is your wife--

But I
Don't want
To see
You hurt
As I
Have been
In the past.

It isn't right
For someone
To hurt
Like that.

It isn't right
For someone
To hurt
Like that.

Monday, November 10, 2014

And now for something completely different...

In spite of all of the sad things I have going on in my life at the moment, I do have some good things happening, too.

I was recently interviewed for a job, which I got. I will be working at a craft and fabric store as a cashier for the Christmas season. It is only a temporary job, but it's a job nonetheless. It will be nice to finally do something outside of the house and earn a little money. 

I also recently took an exam to test out of the chemistry class requirement for the registered nursing program at my college. The exam consisted of 44 questions that you had to complete in 45 minutes, 21 of which had to be correct in order to pass. (Unanswered questions were not counted against your score but incorrect answers were.) In 40 minutes, I completed all 44 questions, and I got 35 correct answers. I am now one semester away from officially getting into my college's registered nursing program. I'm really excited about that! 

Mean People Suck.

I recently bought two dresses to wear out and about. (See above.) 

I wore the top one to a job interview. 

I wore the bottom dress to a cousin's engagement party, and I got a lot of compliments on it from people in my family and people in the bride-to-be's family.

Feeling proud of my really good shopping skills (the two dresses cost me less than $25 altogether), I posted the pictures of the dresses on my Facebook page and tagged my friends and family in order to show them the dresses. I really hate getting my picture taken because I feel that any picture of me is absolutely awful, so the fact that I had the pictures taken in the first place should tell you how nice I felt I looked in the dresses. 

I did get a lot of positive compliments on Facebook for both dresses, but unfortunately, one bad apple did spoil the bunch.

An older female relative of mine wrote the following comment on Facebook about the bottom dress:  "Not very flattering. The other one looked better on you."

To which I politely replied:  "Well, I got a lot of compliments on it at K-- and L--'s party tonight."

To which the female relative replied:  "Oh, well I guess feeling pretty is the most important thing."

Now, I have a lot of body image issues. I've struggled with my weight in recent years. I had lost about 80 pounds, but I've recently regained about 40 of those 80 pounds. As you can see from both photos, I am rather short, so it is very obvious that I have put on that weight again. I've also never thought I was pretty, even when I was thin. That is another major reason behind why I don't like to be photographed. I think I'm ugly, and I know I'm fat.

That relative, who is a retired diplomat from the US State Department, ruined my night. 

Even though a bunch of friends and family members chimed in on Facebook that they thought my dress in the bottom picture was super cute, all I can hear in my mind is that I look unattractive.

All I can think now when I see that bottom dress is:  "I got called ugly by a woman who is notorious for her hideous sense of style."

That really hurts.  

So, please, people, if you can't say something nice to someone, even over the internet, don't say it all. You don't know what they're going through and how crushing your words can be.

Invisible Woman

Whenever Richard Cory went down town,
We people on the pavement looked at him:
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored, and imperially slim.

And he was always quietly arrayed,
And he was always human when he talked;
But still he fluttered pulses when he said,
"Good-morning," and he glittered when he walked.

And he was richyes, richer than a king
And admirably schooled in every grace:
In fine, we thought that he was everything
To make us wish that we were in his place.

So on we worked, and waited for the light,
And went without the meat, and cursed the bread;
And Richard Cory, one calm summer night,
Went home and put a bullet through his head.
--"Richard Cory" by Edward Arlington Robinson

I often feel invisible.

And misunderstood. 

I'm not suicidal.

I just want someone to talk to. 

Someone who will take the time to understand.

Someone besides my therapist.

Someone who would enjoy my company.

Not someone who says, "Oh, you should do this! My friends and I did it a few days ago, and it was awesome!"

There are only so many things you can do alone before you get lonely. 

There are only so many stories you can listen to before you want to tell your own.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Cancer Sucks.

I actually do have some good things going on in my life right now, but I don't feel like sharing them with anyone at the moment. When I feel more up to it, I'll post them here. Until then, I'm going to talk about what is taking up more space in my consciousness right now. 

And it's not pretty.

It's the "Big C."


I'm not the one with cancer, but four very dear family members of mine are now battling cancer, and I lost the most dear one to the disease. 

You try to stay upbeat and optimistic, especially in front of the sufferers, but it's hard. It's so hard.

One thing they don't tell you and you can't prepare for is how much cancer hurts emotionally for the loved ones of cancer patients. Their cancer doesn't just affect them, it sucks the emotional life force out of you as the family member. You feel at a complete loss so often that it is bewildering and disorienting.

And that is not even one half of one percent of what they are feeling inside but not expressing to you because they don't want to upset you. Ironic, isn't it? They're facing the battle of their lives, the time when they most need to drop everything and just focus 110% on their own health and well being and recovery, the only situation in which I would wholeheartedly approve of becoming a complete and total narcissist, and they worry about you.  

Example of an actual conversation I had with one of those cancer stricken relatives:

"How are you doing, X?"

"Oh, I'm just fine. I only have a little tiny bit of nausea after my treatments. The chemo really seems to be working!" (Smiles broadly.)

What I was actually thinking:

"No, you're not fine. I saw you barf in the parking lot at the restaurant we met at, and you left the table twice during the meal to yak your guts out in the bathroom. I know. I was in the stall next to you in the bathroom during your second trip. I timed how long you were in there when you excused yourself to go to the restroom. I stopped watching my watch at the 10 minute mark. And it took you at least another 5 minutes to rejoin the rest of the family at our table. I also saw the paper copy of your most recent laboratory results when it fell out of your pocket and opened as it fell to the floor. I used to work in a hospital lab, remember? I know how to read those reports, and I know damn well what they mean. 

Christ Almighty, you're brave. I'm scared shitless for you. If my doctor had handed me a copy of my most recent laboratory report and it looked like that, I sure as hell wouldn't be able to smile and insist that cancer was just some minor inconvenience, like a small dental cavity. I'd be too hysterical for words."

But thank you for your bravery. You are handling one of the worst situations a human being could ever face with a smile and a positive attitude and a grateful heart. You are showing me how to face any challenge in my life with dignity and class. 

You're also allowing me to believe, for just a small moment in time, that you aren't really that sick. That you're probably not going to die. That you aren't being ravaged from the inside out by your own traitorous body. That you're not constantly miserable and tired and in dreadful amounts of pain. 

See, that little white lie you tell and stoic face you present to the world takes me back to my childhood. My favorite game was called "pretend." I pretended to be many things:  an elf, Diana Ross and The Supremes, Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane, a cat, a teacher, a doctor, a lawyer like my dad, a famous movie star, and many other characters. 

See, when you tell me it's going to be o.k., I can pretend that it will be, that you'll live happily ever after.

But then my deflowered adult mind kicks in, and I know. I know it's a total lie. Your chemo isn't working, you're getting worse. You're not going to live another 5 years. You might not even make it to this time next year. 

And that is not fair. Family members A, B, C, and D, you are all so dear to me,

Family member A, you are a wonderful man. You may not have always been there to see me when I visited your wife, Family member E, and you may not have the most demonstrative affect, but you have always been a kind and loving man in a quiet, steady way. I know you're in your 80s, but I wasn't ready to bury Family member E when she died of cancer five years ago. You showed me what love for a child could be like in your own deliberate, understated way, even when you weren't there physically. I don't care how old you get, I don't want to put you in the ground next to Family member E. Ever. 

Family member B, I haven't been as good to you in the past as I should have been. And I'm very sorry for that. You have always loved and accepted me as I am and are insightful enough to know that I am a deeply sensitive person (as I have always been) and that the best approach to use when teaching me a life lesson was the calm, rational, and positive one. Many people are not so fortunate as to have a gem like yourself in the family. I know that now, so please forgive my past hateful and selfish behaviors. Believe me when I say I love you with all of my heart. Because I do.

Family member C, you have encouraged my creativity and love for various crafts throughout my whole life. You've shown me that if I just thought outside the box and let my vivacious mind roam wild and free, I could create. So many people don't realize what it is to create, how liberating it is. I really appreciate that you saw that art and music and writing could help soothe my troubles.

Family member D, you are so kind and caring and warm. My first memory of you is not about the where, how, or why we met, it is your sparkle, shine, glowing smile, and vivaciousness. I liked you the moment you smiled and introduced yourself to me. Family member F is very fortunate to have married you.  

I know, dear ones, that you have no say in the matter when it comes to your expiration, but if you can, please hold on. I don't want to lose any of you because I will lose a large chunk of my heart with each of your deaths. I feel so helpless because all I can do is ask God to make you well, and God has a habit of ignoring my prayers. 

I know this is so selfish of me to ask of you, but please don't go. Stay with me. Play pretend. You are all right. You have to be. I love you all too much to lose you.         

Monday, November 3, 2014

Just a little belated something...

Author's Note:  I usually write a scary short story every Halloween to celebrate the day. (Yeah. This would be something I wrote for fun, not out of angst/trying to resolve complicated emotions.) This was this year's story. I know it's a tad late, but I've been out of sorts lately and really haven't been able to focus on writing. Enjoy! (P. S. Forgive the missing word in the meme. I didn't make it.)

La Douleur Exquise

The dun of an autumnal twilight streams languidly through the tree branches above.

Twilight is peculiar this time of year. Rather than truncating the colors of the scenery, the dusk turns the landscape into something more earthy and ethereal, almost sensual and decadent, a sort of richly muted extravaganza for the eyes. The cool, crisp air takes on a heavenly, yet unplaceable quality that is most apparent as the sun wanes. The atmosphere is alive with a moving, yet unknowable energy that is as enticing and electric as a forbidden lover's French kiss.

I sit at the base of a denuded oak on a soft velveteen carpet of polychromatic leaves and listen. I don't know what I am straining to hear, but I know I will recognize the sound the moment its decibel levels are finally audible to my limited human ears.

I strain myself to sit even more still than the hulking tree behind me out of fear it--whatever it is--will be scared off and not come to me.

It has to come to me, I know not why, so I must be very, very placid, even moreso than a boulder.

This thing--whatever it is--controls my fate from here on. 

I belong to it now.

I know not why I was chosen for it, but I know it is not my place to question why any more.

I belong to it, and that is my fate.

Many hundreds of years ago, it was considered a great honor for a young woman to be chosen by it. They had elaborate ceremonies to honor it because they believed that it brought the rains that allowed the crops to grow.

But I know better.
It controls no part of the natural world. It is merely hungry and lusty, as it has always been. And always will be.

As civilization progressed onward to the modern era, people stopped believing in it altogether and young women were no longer sent to it.

But it is very patient. 

It waited for me to come along.

I instinctively knew about it from a very young age. I knew I was intended for it when I came of age.

I have come willingly.

Suddenly, though I do not recall hearing a sound, my ears prick up.

At last. It has come.

It comes from behind a neighboring tree and gently steps towards me. I almost giggle aloud when I see it because it has taken the form of a completely nude man, even though in reality it has no actual sex. It is being thoughtful and trying not to frighten me by taking a human form. It is expressing its gratitude that I have come. 

All this I understand at a primal level--it has no need to communicate with me. I know. I just know.

I begin to disrobe. 

When I have completely disrobed, it begins to approach me. I hold my arms out to embrace it. 

It walks into my embrace.

When we finally touch, the sensation is simultaneously the most wonderful and the most horrible thing I have ever experienced:  Nausea, dizziness, bone-crushing pain, burning, relief, relaxation, ecstasy, inner peace--all of those and many more. I gladly yield to it.

The next day, some deer hunters find my disemboweled body in the woods.

The case will never be solved.  

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I have been exceptionally crabby lately.

Mea culpa.

And now I've exhausted myself.

Here's hoping there won't be any more outbreaks of outright crustacean behavior on my part...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Glimpse into My World

To all those who read my previous post and wondered what in God's name my problem was, well, just be glad that that bit of pent-up negative energy wasn't directed towards you. I owe no one an apology or explanation; however, I do know that there are people who are reading this who might like some insight into my mind--mainly people I care very deeply for, like my family members and closest friends. For those people. and those people alone, I will satisfy any curiosity they may have about my chaotic mental processes.

First and foremost, let's clear the air by my admittance of this fact:  I am bipolar. Very bipolar. 

That means that the world is not a safe place for me.

I don't mean that the world is unsafe for me in a paranoid physical sort of way. In regards to that aspect, I don't really feel that the world poses an more of a threat to me than it does any other given person. 

When I say that the world is not safe for me, I mean that the world is unsafe for me as a bipolar person in an emotional way. 

As someone who deals with issues surrounding my diagnosis on a daily basis, I struggle at times. Many times these private battles (which are part of a continuous war within) deal with my ability to control myself and my reactions to outside stimuli, whether those stimuli are physical or emotional. 

As anyone with bipolar disorder can tell you, my highs are higher than the Almighty, and my lows outreach the most lengthy stretches of the bowels of Hell. 

But my head is also so full of noise, noise, noise:  a cacophony of thoughts both rational and irrational and emotions both healthy and unhealthy. My mind is so busy, busy, busy--constantly. I get no rest from it, day or night. 

I often don't react to a stimulus, I passionately react to it. I fly into fits of blind rage, but I also love with my whole heart. There is no middle ground with me.

And, yes, I take my meds religiously.

I'm what the mental health community likes to refer to as "recovered," but using that word to describe my current compliant and relatively stable state is a huge cosmic joke. Being a "recovered" bipolar person is like being a "recovered" amputee:  you may have the prosthesis to help you walk, but your leg is still gone--you aren't whole. 

I prefer the term "adequately managed" to describe the daily juggling act I engage in between myself, my intellect, my emotions, and my meds. 

And it's a tough juggling act.

As a bipolar person, you're taught to learn to recognize the things that will "set you off" or "trigger" a cycling episode so you can learn to avoid them or work on learning to appropriately manage your reactions to them, but even having a "triggers list" is no fail-safe. Anything has the potential to trigger your cycling--and that is why I so viciously guard my sanity and stability. It's taken me ten years to get to where I am today--"adequately managed"--and anything that has the potential to get me cycling again--anything--is a threat to my delicate psyche. 

And I'd rather have my sanity and stability over everything else. After all, what are we but our minds?

But that doesn't let the person who the previous post is directed at off the hook. 

Part of my therapy over the years has been learning to distinguish my bipolar tendencies from understandable, healthy reactions to outside stimuli:  in short, where I end and the rest of the world begins. 

Unfortunately, I have spent a very large chunk of my life being mistreated by others--first by my classmates and later by my employers and the men that I've dated--and I'm very understandably frustrated to the maximum with a large majority of the outside world--especially since I expend a great deal of effort--both psychological and physical--in turning the other cheek and being fair. I am only now learning how to effectively express and manage my negative emotions instead of burying them within myself like I used to do. 

However, I am not perfect. Sometimes I am hasty and extreme in my negative reactions, but I have also always had a strong personality and have never been everyone's cup of tea. 

And if the rest of the world could stop pissing me off, that would be great.

Répondez s'il vous plaît

To a certain someone who has recently made a miraculous reappearance in my life:

We went on a date. We went back to your place. The next day, after I returned home, you weirded out and broke off our non-relationship via Facebook message. Even though you had my number, you weren't man enough to call me to deliver the news.

I finally understood what Carrie Bradshaw in "Sex and the City" was talking about when she was so upset that she'd been broken up with via a post-it note. Being broken up with, especially when there wasn't anything to break off to begin with, via a Facebook message is pretty low and shady. 

By the way, thanks for the preemptive break up. That always makes someone feel really good. 

Anyhoo, you've decided to contact me again--via Facebook message, of course!

After an initial polite exchange of the usual niceties and whatnot ("How are you?," "What have you been up to lately?," and etc.), I cut to the chase very quickly.

I asked you why you were back in contact with me after basically not acknowledging my existence for almost six months.

Yes, it was blunt. Yes, it was direct. 

I certainly hope it made you feel a tad uncomfortable. 

See, I'm a direct person, often to a fault. But I do know how to turn it on and off. I know when to spread honey, and I know when to toss vinegar. 

I specifically asked you what you wanted from me because I was tired of beating around the proverbial bush. Life is short, and I don't want to waste it in gray areas. 

Also, I don't believe in happenstance and pure-hearted motives--not because I'm an unkind, icy person but because direct personal experience over the years has taught me that kismet and kindness don't exist in a vast overwhelming majority of the populace. 

You have a reason for contacting me again. That extended silence showed me that you weren't stupid enough to think I wasn't hurt and upset by the way you treated me. 

So, speak now or forever hold your peace. 

Yes, this is harsh, but you've caught me at a harsher point in my personality and existence. See, when I was in my late teens and twenties, I would've been more forgiving. It would've been easier for me to just forgive and forget and let bygones be bygones.

But you aren't the first man to try to rope me into the ass-clown rodeo.

See, the endless cycle of you coming and going for your own selfish reasons into and out of my life is hard on my heart. 

You are just like all the other ass-clowns I've dated. I've dated so many of you that I even have a dating "genre" I group you all in. I like to call you guys my "Boomerang Boys" because no matter how many times you fly off into the distance, you always magically find your way back to me--sometimes even years later. 

And I am a kind, forgiving, sensitive person who tends to get taken advantage of by men like you. 

But no more.

I'm a stronger person now. I can handle loneliness.

I can't handle the constant tugging on my heart strings.

I ain't goin' to the fuckin' rodeo no more.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Story part 2

Note:  This is the second part of the the story that I have written.

The Book of Genesis

“It’s funny how you know where things are—until you don’t.” –me

The “Brat Pack” was as old as any of us could remember:  we’d all pretty much been friends since our earliest memories. We’d all grown up in the same drowsy rural Southwestern Michigan hamlet—Clumber—and attended the same schools, churches, scouting pow-wows, after-school sporting events, and the like. Our mothers, for those of us who had them, went to the same Mary Kay and Pampered Chef parties, our fathers got shit-faced stumbling drunk every Friday night at the same Elks club bar.

And like bucolic Clumber’s other denizens, we were a bit inbred:  Jake was Ethan’s second cousin by blood, Ted was my half-brother via my mother and a long-dead paternal uncle, and Lizzie was my half-sister via my father and a maternal aunt. Only Micah, who parents had come from the Eastern and Central parts of the state (Big Three and Midland chemical money, respectively) for God knows what reason and to build a sprawling, ostentatious beachfront “cottage” on the banks of Lake Michigan, had brought fresh blood and new life to our insular clan. They’d moved here when he was five years old.

I forget how Ethan said that he’d met Micah. Micah certainly didn’t attend our single-building kindergarten through twelfth grade school. His parents had the means and the arrogance to send him to Ruthewyn, one of the best private boarding schools in the state, during the academic year, so I didn’t end up meeting him until I attended Ethan’s high school graduation party years later.

This was kind of surprising since Ethan and I were pretty close. Ethan’s mom had been my social worker with the state’s children’s services when Granny Evvy died when I was eight and I’d been placed in foster care. It was weird how in a town as small as Clumber, two people (Micah and I) could have the same best friend (Ethan) for basically the same length of time (over ten years) during the same formative epoch in their lives and not only never have met each other before but were totally unaware of each other’s existence.

But Ethan wasn’t being deliberately secretive in keeping Micah and me away from each other—that was just how he lived his life:  well organized and neatly, distinctly ordered—everything had a proper place and everything fit nicely into its own little box. With a bow and everything.

Ethan wasn’t pathological, though, just somewhat eccentric. Perpetually good natured and innately, almost maddeningly happy at times, he was always among the best people to be around, no matter what was going on in the outside world. You don’t get better people than Ethan and his immediate family. You just don’t.

Which made Jake’s incessantly oozing, fetid arrogance all the more puzzling. How Jake turned out the way he did—inherently, obsessively domineering, self-centered, and cold-hearted—was truly baffling. Being that Clumber’s such a small place, I knew his parents—the head of the local Episcopal church and his chief district librarian wife—very well, and they were good and kindly people.

But they saw no wrong in their only son, and therein was where the genesis of the problem lay, in my opinion. They’d tell everyone who’d listen—mostly tourists who’d come to visit the vast array of local wineries—how their smart, wonderful, handsome son was going to be president of the United States some day because he could do anything he’d set his heart on and because he was a born leader.
The rest of the town would silently roll their eyes in disgust and try not to expel the acid churning at the back of their throats when Jake’s parents would get into this monologue. Sure, Jake could be a professional politician—he was one of the biggest self-serving little bastards you’d ever meet—but no one from Clumber ever got that far, no matter how much they tried. The closest thing in Clumber that we’d ever had to a brush with a famous person was one of the state’s first territorial governors, Mose Gardner Hicks, being born here in 1810. But you could easily argue he didn’t count as being a true resident of the town:  his family moved to Detroit when he was five years old, and besides, at the time, the town of Clumber (more like a loose collection of frontier log homes huddled around the remains of an old wolverine trappers’ camp back then) was known as Porter’s Lick.

But much as we disliked Jake, we tolerated him for Ethan’s sake because Ethan saw no bad in anyone, especially not family. It was quite a hardship, but yes, we all loved Ethan that much.
I’ve always been much more of a realist about my kinfolk given that I spent a lot of my childhood away from them, bouncing from foster home to foster home, because of their rejection of me, either due to pragmatic reasons (like finances) or charming flights of fancy (like the sincere belief that because I was born on Halloween I was actually possessed by the devil).

Ted was cut from the same intemperate cloth as my mother. He was two years my junior, and except for the fact that we had the same dark mahogany hair, extremely fair skin, and rich espresso-colored eyes, you wouldn’t know we were siblings.

Where Ted was tall and lanky, I was slight and stout. He wore his hair closely cropped in a military-style buzz cut to manage the otherwise unwieldy mass of curls that would burst forth from his scalp if his mane were allow to grow unchecked, while my hair, which had retained the inherited luxuriant thickness, was merely wavy. I usually kept it past my shoulders in length but always pinned back or pulled away from my face and neck. (Ladies always keep their hair up to show the world their beauty, Granny Evvy always used to say. I don’t how much of that was true for me, but after having my thick locks violently, yet lovingly, brushed back and forced tight against my scalp with needle-like bobby pins for the first eight years of my life, I’d developed a real distaste for the feeling of free-flowing and loose hair around my face and on my neck.)

And where the constant instability of my upbringing had given me a certain tenacity and pluck, Ted’s life of middle class normalcy had made him a perpetual whiner and spineless fuck up. It was his bitch mother who made him that way, though. She couldn’t have kids of her own, so when Uncle Jimmie got my momma pregnant, she didn’t hesitate to petition the courts for custody of Ted, given that my momma was big into meth, booze, and running off with random men, usually bikers or long-haul truckers, for months at a time. Granny Evvy already had full custody of me by then, and she tried to get Ted, too, but Aunt Glenda had just a little more money for slightly better lawyers, so she won the battle. Ted went to go live with her and Uncle Jimmie.

However, Aunt Glenda’s maternal instincts were severely deficient when it came to children other than Ted. When Granny Evvy got pancreatic cancer and tried to get Aunt Glenda to take me so that Ted and I could be together as siblings again, especially since she was dying, Aunt Glenda yelled and swore and screamed at Granny Evvy that she would “never, ever take that whore’s (my momma) child (me)” as her own and that Granny Evvy could kiss her ass and “go to Hell” as far as she was concerned. Tears streamed down Granny Evvy’s cheeks as Aunt Glenda stormed out of the trailer and slammed the rusty aluminum screen behind her. 

I’d never seen a grown-up cry before, especially not Granny Evvy, who was always so happy and cheerful—the ladies at the Pentecostal church we attended on Wednesdays and Sundays called her Mrs. Sunshine—so I went up to her and gave her a hug. I told her to give her sorrows to the angels because Jesus would make it better.

Granny Evvy was horrified that I’d seen that whole ugly scene and told me to forgive Aunt Glenda because these things were hard for grown-ups. She promised me that I’d understand when I was older.

But I already understood at eight years old:  Aunt Glenda wasn’t going to take me to live with her, Ted, and Uncle Jimmie because I looked just like my momma, and my momma had always been prettier than that fat sow.

I tried to obey Granny Evvy and forgive Aunt Glenda for being such a flaming bitch at first, but when Granny Evvy wasted away in a miserable, painful death two weeks later in the hospice house, I was so mad at Aunt Glenda for making Granny Evvy die and sending her to Hell that all I wanted was blood.

So I prayed every night for three straight weeks for Aunt Glenda to die and go to Hell, too.

But she didn’t die.

Three weeks and one day after Granny Evvy’s death, Uncle Jimmie fell out of a deer stand and broke his neck in three places on the first day of deer season. He died before the ambulance could arrive.

That’s when I knew God didn’t exist, but evil does and that you can’t contain and control malevolence once you set it loose upon the world. Uncle Jimmie, who’d always been really nice to me, didn’t deserve to die. Aunt Glenda more than had it coming, but Uncle Jimmie was innocent.

That’s when I decided I would never ever pray for anyone’s death (or harm) again. Bad juju is powerful stuff—too powerful. Best not to mess with it in the first place.

After Uncle Jimmie’s death, Aunt Glenda, who’d always been a smothery, hovery parent to Ted, became exponentially more so. And so Ted grew up to be the insecure, indecisive chicken shit that he was.

However, in spite of his inherent spinelessness, Ted got the bright idea to join the Marines right after high school. That obviously didn’t last long.

Ted went AWOL after three weeks of basic training when his erratic behavior led the brass at Camp Lejeune to demand a drug test and a psychiatric evaluation. He was caught two weeks later at a pawn shop twenty miles away trying to fence a $10,000 Rolex watch (which he’d stolen from a dying hospital patient) for $200. He then sat his little drugged up ass in jail for about six months until Aunt Glenda could scrounge up a fairly large sum of money to hire a lawyer competent enough to get him out.

Technically, Ted’s still on parole in North Carolina and isn’t supposed to be unemployed, on drugs, or back in Michigan, but obviously the fuzz in the Tar Heel State aren’t watching him too closely and aren’t looking for him too intensely since that mess with the watch happened about six years ago.

I liked Lizzie better, especially now that she was an adult capable of independent thought. But she hadn’t always been that way.

My father had married my maternal Aunt Bettina after my momma had left him to ride to New Mexico with a bona fide member of the Hell’s Angels motorcycle gang. My momma came back to Clumber about four months later when she was very visibly pregnant. She claimed that she was eight months along and wanted to marry my dad to give me a proper upbringing. Given the timing of things, my dad didn’t argue with my momma about the paternity question, but Aunt Bettina had already gotten him to the altar by then.

My dad had gotten Aunt Bettina pregnant in the time while my momma was gone, so they had been married in order to maintain an air of quasi-respectability. Aunt Bettina immediately took to insisting that my momma had lied about who my actual father was and even went so far to claim when I was born on Halloween and Lizzie was born on Christmas Day of the same year that it was a literal sign from the Almighty that I was really and truly a child of Satan and that Lizzie was actually favored by Our Lord and Savior.

Aunt Bettina, who was a stricter Pentecostal woman than Granny Evvy (but who is also the meanest devoutly Christian person I’ve ever met), drilled that Bible-babble bullshit into Lizzie for years and used it as an excuse to keep us apart. Lizzie believed it hook, line, and sinker for about seventeen years. That’s when she finally did the math and realized that her own mother, by getting pregnant out of wedlock, had been just as much of a Jezebel as my mother (according to the teachings of the church). She lost some of her attitude then.

The final wall between us had been broken down when Lizzie got dealt a real shit hand by life shortly after graduating high school. She’d married her high school sweetheart (Jeff Peyton—yes, that Jeff Peyton, the Reverend Samuel Peyton’s son, the same Reverend Peyton who has been the pastor at Clumber’s Pentecostal church, the same church which my whole family has attended for generations) at nineteen and quickly conceived. Instead of being all smiles and excitement, Jeff slapped her with divorce papers. As it turns out, he had taken to having more than platonic relations with a man in the next county, and they had planned to move in together.

Lizzie was obviously humiliated and devastated. The stress and shame resulting from the whole situation caused her to give birth to a stillborn baby girl five months premature. To top it all off, the rest of the family turned their backs on her during her greatest time of need because she’d married a “sodomite.”

I was the only one in the family decent enough to take Lizzie in and hold her and soothe her while she cried endlessly for almost a full year. She’s capable of joy and smiles and laughter now, but she does have that same look in her eyes that Ethan now has:  the haunted look. She’ll never be truly whole again.

Unfortunately, it took the experience of being a permanent family outcast and not having a support system for Lizzie to finally understand what I’d been through my whole life. But once she understood, she totally changed her tune, and we formed our own empowering dynamic.
And the more time she spends away from the caustic, hypocritical dysfunction of our family, the more layers of stringent rules and teachings and dogma fall away from her, which makes her much more tolerant and tolerable.

She’s even started to become dangerously adventurous, at least in the eyes of the church. She’s recently cut her ridiculously long hair into a chin-length bob, started wearing a little bit of makeup, and got her ears pierced. She’s also developed a healthy taste for wine and bourbon, and I even got her to try a cigarette. (She wasn’t so fond of that, but she did enjoy smoking a marijuana joint with me about a week later.)

She’s also purchased a couple of pairs of pants. She has yet to wear them, but she insists she will someday. I believe her since she had me come shopping with her for the expressed purpose of helping her find a pair of jeans that would make her ass look phenomenal. (I should mention here that Ethan is a fan of the female derriere, so I know the real purpose behind the purchase of those jeans. For that reason alone, I know she will at least wear the jeans. I hope it works. Lizzie really deserves a good guy like Ethan. Or at least a night of really hot sex.)

Micah, like I said before, was a real sad sack of neuroses and a bottomless pit of needs and wants. Thankfully, he wasn’t inherently malevolent, so he actually turned out to be a nice enough person. He was very likeable. Hell, I liked him, and I’m usually not one to warm up to people easily. But, God, was he troubled.

It started with his parents:  being descendants of wealth, power, and privilege, they were dyed-in-the-wool, textbook-example narcissists.

His father had grown up to be idle and worthless and his chosen profession (though he’d never had any real reason to work) was that of an investment manager—mostly just for his equally wealthy family and friends—and for someone who had never worked more than fifteen or twenty hours in a week in his whole life, had done exceedingly well.  He barked orders brusquely at people, thought only of how to make his next dollar (and avoid paying taxes on it), and played rounds of golf at the most prestigious local country club at least five days out of the week. He was a serial womanizer, drank the finest scotch incessantly, smoked like a chimney, talked and thought only of himself, and gambled in Las Vegas and Monte Carlo like the day was his last. He couldn’t be bothered with the wants and needs of a wife and children, so he just threw large sums of money their way to keep them quiet and out of his hair while he went about his own separate, selfish life away from them.

Micah’s mother was no better. She’d easily been the prettiest girl in the room at any event she attended in her youth and young adulthood. She and Micah’s father had married right out of college, and she had promptly taken up a permanent residency amongst the country club set and became even idler than her husband. Not that she’d ever known any different. Her mother and her mother before her had always proudly counted themselves among the ladies who lunch perpetually group who spent more time screwing the tennis instructor or gardener than bothering to get to know their children. But the years of dining on lush food, drinking gargantuan quantities of liquor at all hours, and not intellectually challenging herself had taken their toll on her outward appearance, and she resembled a toad-like death warmed over in Chanel.

Micah had been born about two years into his parents’ marriage, and from the moment they’d brought him home, he’d been too much trouble for them to pay attention to or bother with at all, so he’d been raised by a series of nannies at first, and then instructors at some of the finest private boarding schools in the state. The few times he’d been around his parents, they’d made sure to let him know how perpetually obnoxious and inconvenient they’d found him.

Which must have been all the more upsetting when his sister Evangeline was born and they spoiled and doted on and fawned over and mollycoddled her ceaselessly. He knew where he stood with them:  He could do no right. Ever. He was unworthy of their love.

Micah had found no relief or real love at the boarding schools he’d attended. At one, he’d been repeatedly sadistically sexually abused by a teacher, and at another, he’d been gang raped by a group of fellow male students in the showers after a physical education class.

His high intelligence, good looks, eagerness to please everyone, obvious eccentricities, and perpetual neurotic anxiety made him an easy target for bullies at every school he attended—even college. As an undergraduate, he was pretty awfully humiliated and hazed and snubbed by a fraternity he’d so desperately wanted to join during pledge week.

Micah had never really caught a break socially until he met Ethan and became a member of the “Brat Pack.”

Ethan and Micah were great natural compliments to each other. Ethan was your cut-and-dry, black-and-white methodical engineer, while Micah, who had bachelor degrees in photography and creative writing from Harvard and a PhD in film studies from UCLA film school, was your wacky, bombastic, totally-off-the-wall artsy type. Where Ethan was somewhat introverted and private, while Micah would tell anyone who’d listen his whole life story, often to the point of boorishness.

That was also the primary difference between Micah and me:  he would shout his secrets from the top of every steeple until the end of time, and I am an unwillingly-peeled onion, layer after layer of information and knowledge forthcoming only after a great struggle and much digging at my outer skins.

Yes, I am a very reticent, almost secretive, person, which is going to make this next part, the part where I talk about myself, rather difficult.

I’ll start with the easiest part, my name:  Tinkerbell Annabel Harris.

Yeah, go ahead and laugh. I don’t know what got into my mother (LSD, perhaps?) to make her think that she should name me after a Disney fairy, but that’s the name she gave me. Everyone just calls me Tinny, though. Granny Evvy was the person who came up with that nickname. She said Tinkerbell was too much of a mouthful for any right-minded person to say at any time, and everyone else agreed, so it stuck.

As I alluded to before, my upbringing wasn’t the best—after Granny Evvy, that is. Between eight and eighteen, I was in twelve different foster homes.

They did try to put me with Uncle Jimmie and Aunt Glenda, but that old hag refused to take me on accounts that I look just like my momma, and she didn’t want any reminders of Uncle Jimmie’s affair with a woman prettier than her homely self. Uncle Jimmie loved me though, so I know he would’ve taken me in had the decision been his.

Aunt Bettina and my dad didn’t take me in—though I know my dad loves me and would’ve done it in a quick minute if he could’ve—because by the time Granny Evvy had died, they had six kids of their own and a seventh on the way. They could barely afford their brood, so another mouth at the table to feed just wasn’t feasible. That and the fact that Aunt Bettina would swear up and down everything holy that I was a child of Satan because I was born on Halloween. She’s a real fruit loop, that one.

I’m just shy of thirty now, and as an adult, my life hasn’t really been any more stable than my childhood was.

I’ve lived in fourteen states in ten years, and I’m a sort of “Jill of all trades” in terms of my working life. I’ve been a cashier, a waitress, a security guard, a secretary, a freelance writer, a bartender, a first responder, a phlebotomist, a kennel tech at an animal shelter, a nursing assistant, a stripper, and a prostitute.

Yeah. You didn’t read those last two jobs wrong. I’m a “scarlet woman,” so to say. I’ve done those two jobs to supply the necessary money I need to feed my opiate addition.

I’ve been an addict since I was eighteen and first tried heroin at a house party. About five years ago, I got caught with enough smack to put my ass in prison for a pretty significant period of time, but they gave me a deferred sentence since I had no previous criminal record. But one of the conditions of the deferment was that I go to rehab and stay clean once I got out.

I stuck with that until just recently, when the time on the probationary period of my sentence expired. Now that I’m not being drug tested every week, I don’t have to answer to anyone, so I can do as I please.

I went back to heroin, and I’m not sad that I did. See, I love smack more than life itself, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Not to be a whiner, but I suffered through some pretty fucked up physical and sexual stuff as a kid, so I have some unresolved issues with that. I’m also bipolar, like my momma, so I’m pretty much in a state of constant emotional chaos all the time.

Yeah, I’ve got some demons.

And heroin is the only thing that has made peace between me, my demons, and the rest of the universe. Ever.

I’m not ashamed I use. I don’t steal or hurt other people to get money for my habit, so I’m only hurting myself when I shoot up.

Also, I feel somewhat entitled to  the sleepy, blissful euphoria I feel when I use. Other people get that same feeling from prayer or meditation or a massage or a good book or a vacation or fishing—I get mine from heroin, but am I any less deserving of that sense of inner peace because it comes from the opium poppy?

As far as my appearance goes, I’m not the prettiest painting in the gallery, but I’m decent looking enough. I’m very short (just barely reaching five feet tall), voluptuous, and neatly kept. When I’m not working as a prostitute or stripper, I’m modestly attired. Sexual attentions paid my way have always made me feel a bit queasy and uncomfortable, so I tend to hide myself in my clothing to keep as much of them away from me as I can.  

My major strength, however, has always been my uncanny intelligence about the world around me and my ability to make a quick decision and put it into action even more quickly. See, my childhood made me a chronic, obsessive planner out of sheer necessity in order to get from day to day relatively unscathed.

My childhood also made me inherently distrustful of everyone around me, which is why I value Ethan’s friendship so much. Ethan is one of the few people in the world I genuinely trust wholeheartedly. That’s an honor I don’t bestow on just anyone. It’s also why I felt so grief-stricken on his behalf at the loss of Micah.

But there I go again, getting sentimental, and if there’s anything I’ve ever learned about the reality of this world, it’s that sentimentality kills more people than cancer.