Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Inconvenient Truths

Inconvenient Truths

You know
I know
That you
Didn't want
Me to
Say those
Inconvenient Truths,
But it is
So hard
To watch
Yet another
Good friend
Yet another
Phenomenally Bad
In their life.

I knew
From the
Very moment
You told me
Those circumstances
Who she really was
What she was
Really all about.

I realize she is your wife.

I said
Those frank words
Not because
I have
Any designs
On taking
Her place--

I know
I can
The attention
Of no man
That way,
Especially not
Wonderful You,
Even though
Our carnal
Of each other
Is fresh
And forefront
In our
Like minds.

I said
Those things
Because I have
Been in
Your situation
With many men.

She doesn't want you--
She doesn't want
To be

Please believe me
When I
Tell you
These things.

It breaks
My heart
To say them.

I wish to God
I was wrong,
But I've been
On the
Misery Merry-go-round
At Dysfunction Junction
Many unfortunate times.
I know what tunes
Its calliope plays
And what the
Garish horses'
Feel like
Your flesh
And how heartsick
Ride after ride
Can make you.

I say
These things
Not because
I want to
Replace her--
I say
These things
As a close friend
Whose heart
Will bleed
When she
Crushes you--

I know
I am
In writing this
And posting it
Though you are
One of my few
Face-to-face friends
Who actually
Reads this page,
Because you have
Gone silent
To me
Since I
Those things.

I realize she is your wife--

But I
Don't want
To see
You hurt
As I
Have been
In the past.

It isn't right
For someone
To hurt
Like that.

It isn't right
For someone
To hurt
Like that.

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