Well, the latest in a seemingly endless series of doctor visits has resulted in a crimp in my plans: possible surgery! (Again!)
For those of you who have been reading this blog for a while now, you'll recall that about this time last year, I had to go to see a hand surgeon because I had a fractured bone in my left wrist.
Well, guess what? This year, I'm seeing the same surgeon next week for about the same problem in my right hand!
:D !!!
Not really.
Basically, what's going on with my right wrist/hand/arm is that I have an avulsion fracture to the tip of my radius (arm bone below the wrist on the thumb side) that is of "indeterminant" (sp?) age.
No, I do not know when I did this to my arm. I haven't fallen or anything specific like that. I know about how old the fracture is, though. (I think.) My arm/wrist/thumb started really hurting in late October of last year, about the time it got really cold in the area where I live. I put off dealing with the problem until now because I have never lost use of my thumb and it (the pain) seemed to be resolving on its own--that is, until it started hurting like a real motherfucker again. That's when I finally broke down and went and got the x-ray and CT the doctor requested.
This time, because of the way the bone is broken (yes, it is actually broken, there's a bone chip and everything floating around in my wrist's synovial fluid), I don't get a spiffy spica splint. Major sad face. :(
However, surgery will be interesting given how staggeringly right-handed I am. I'm just wondering how this will affect my work as a fabric cutter/cashier at the craft store and my ability to go back to school, especially since I'm poised to start practical (hands-on) classes in just a few months.
I'll keep you posted, but in the meantime, don't expect a whole lot on here because it does hurt to type.
And pray that you don't have weak wrist bones like me! This going to the hand surgeon stuff really sucks!