Monday, January 27, 2014

"'ll see me." -Part 2

Now that I've had a moment to sit and write again, I'll finish what I started in Part 1 of this entry.

Another fundamental part of my personality is that I am ambitious. Not blood-thirsty, step on the necks of others, scorching the earth and burning my bridges ambitious, but I am ambitious when it comes to my personal goals.
I have always wanted to go to college. In fact, not going to college has never been an option in my world for myself. And my parents have pushed me in that direction. True story:  on the day I was born, after things had settled down for a bit, my dad briefly left the hospital and created a college savings account for me. And he put money into it for my entire childhood, right up until I started college. And despite my trials and tribulations, I have always kept pursuing my college education. I have always wanted to be college educated. And through my journeys in life, I have realized how important it is to have at least some college education. It used to be that you could have a good job and a comfortable life without a college education, but those days are long gone. Not that people who don't go to college deserve to be poor or have a lesser lifestyle or are lesser people, it's just the cold, hard reality any more that you need at least a certificate from a local community college in order to be taken seriously in the job market. I learned the hard way. I lost my job as a phlebotomist, a position I'd had for about 4 years, and I was never able to return to phlebotomy as a job or career because I had only gone through an on-the-job training program to obtain my skills instead of getting an official certificate from an institution of higher education. Now I'm pursuing a certificate program that will train me to be a pharmacy technician, and I have recently discovered that at the end of this semester, I will have enough credits to graduate from the community college I attend with an Associate of Arts degree in Social Sciences. But I do plan to go on. I'm planning to pursue something in the medical profession, either a Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) program or MD program. This is something I want for myself, no matter how long it takes, and I will reach my goal, someday. I am strong enough and smart enough to do it, so I will.

Well, that was all I really had to say from the previous entry, but I'll let you into another aspect of my life that will help you see me for who I am. I am taking an online advanced fiction-writing course for credit through the community college I attend, and I will be posting the end results of my assignments on this page for all to read. Critiques will be welcomed. These writings will help you get a better glimpse of what I like to incorporate into my writings and what my thought processes on given topics, structures, genres, etc. are. You can actually tell a lot about a writer by what he/she writes about on preferred subjects and assigned subjects. I'll also let you know what sort of grade or score I get on the assignments to let you decide if you agree or disagree with the judgment on the quality of my work. Hope to hear from you!  

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