Thursday, July 17, 2014

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.


This is the fourth time in a row I've gone out with a guy, and after less than three dates, he all weirds out and is like "I just don't see us together long term" or "I'm not ready for anything serious yet" or "I don't think we'd make a good couple".

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!


It's been less than a month of talking/getting to know each other, and you really think I want to get serious with you? Honestly?!

Sure, you seem like a great guy, but just because we've gone out to dinner, had a few drinks, and maybe a little more doesn't mean I'm expecting a marriage proposal anytime soon.

Hell, I'm not even expecting a discussion about the possibility of being exclusive yet! Whatever happened to the concept of taking things slow and really getting to know each other before jumping into anything serious like planning to raise future children, retirement goals, or even promising not to sleep with other people should the opportunity arise?

Some of that "I don't feel ready to commit to you" stuff is a cop-out. I get that. For whatever reason, I'm not your cup of tea, shot of whiskey, puff of poke, snort of blow, whatever. I freely admit I'm not for everyone. Just come out and say, "Hey, I think we'd make better friends. I'm just not feeling any chemistry." Fair enough, I can handle that. But after three or fewer dates, you don't know me well enough to say "I don't want anything long-term with you" because neither of us has had a chance to be off of our best behavior yet. Or to see the full scope of each other's best behavior. To claim that you do know me well enough after such a short amount of time to make such a far-reaching judgment is, in itself, harsh and judgmental. I am open and honest, but you don't get to see the whole me in just a few dates. I may have said now that I am not particularly interested in having a relationship with you now, which is true, but it doesn't come from a place of hurt. You have shown yourself to be highly judgmental, which I do not find desirable, and you have indicated that you are uninterested in a relationship with me. You do not like me--for whatever reason--and I see no point in trying to win you over. If I've learned nothing else in life, it's that you can't make people like you, so there's no point in trying and no use in caring whether they do or not. 

There's just no winning this dating thing for me it seems. First, it's guys who take me so un-seriously that they have no problem just entirely blowing me off. Now it's guys who think I'm in some sort of rush to commit. Ugh! 

*Eye roll* 

Besides, I'm busy looking for a guy who's good with a machete and an AK-47 and could rig up a flame thrower should the need arise... ;)

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